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Application settings

Here is a detailed list of all the environment variables which can be used to configure your Callico instance.

Setting name Description Required Values
DEBUG Set the platform in production or development mode. It is insecure to run a public instance in development mode. true or false
DATABASE_URL Credentials to connect to the PostgreSQL database. postgres://user:password@host:port/dbname
SECRET_KEY Random string used to build securely authentication cookies. Must be unique per instance. randomString1234
ALLOWED_HOSTS List of public hostnames where HTTP requests come from. Any request received from an hostname not listed here will be rejected. When using multiple values, use a comma to separate them.
CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS List of public hostnames where Javascript requests come from. Beware this list must have http(s) scheme before the hostname. When using multiple values, use a comma to separate them.
CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS List of public hostnames where form publication requests come from. Beware this list must have http(s) scheme before the hostname. When using multiple values, use a comma to separate them.
REDIS_URL URL used to reach the Redis server for asynchronous tasks. redis://host:port/dbname
INSTANCE_URL Public hostname used to host the instance. It is mainly used to build urls in emails.
SIGNUP_ENABLED Specify if guests are allowed to create an account on the Callico instance. By default, signups are disabled. true or false
EMAIL_URL Credentials to send emails with the application. An SMTP email account is required to send Callico emails such as "Forget password", "Daily statistics", etc. smtp://user:password@host:port
DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL The email address which will be used to send the emails.
SENTRY_DSN Sentry private DSN used to publish Python exceptions.
SENTRY_FRONTEND_DSN Sentry private DSN used to publish Javascript exceptions.
STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME AWS S3-compatible bucket name where the media files will be stored. callico-bucket
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS S3-compatible access key to read and write on the media files bucket. accessKey
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS S3-compatible secret access key to read and write on the media files bucket. secretKey1234
STORAGE_ENDPOINT_URL AWS S3-compatible endpoint url. By default, official Amazon S3 service will be used.
STORAGE_SSL_CA_PATH AWS S3-compatible SSL Certificate Authority to validate the endpoint. Only used if the provider use self-signed certificates. /path/to/ca.crt
STORAGE_LOCATION AWS S3-compatible optional prefix for every file that will be managed by Callico. Only useful if the bucket is shared with other applications. company/project
PROJECT_CREATION_ALLOWED Specify if all authenticated users are allowed to create projects on the Callico instance. By default, project creation is reserved to staff users. true or false