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Close and reopen or archive a campaign


  • To close, reopen or archive a campaign, you must be a manager of its parent project.

Once your contributors and moderators have finished and validated their work, it can be beneficial to close your campaign to prevent further changes from being made to the collected annotations, and to let your users know that the campaign is coming to an end. You can also archive a campaign, which will hide it from everyone, if it is no longer useful for anyone to have access to that campaign.

Close a campaign

If you are a member with manager role, the Close action is displayed in the section named Campaign from the menu on the left of the campaign details page.

Campaign details page

Closing your campaign changes its status to Closed and deactivates the following features:

  • annotation by contributors,
  • moderation by moderators,
  • campaign configuration,
  • task creation and publication.

However, the following features remain available:

  • task list,
  • Draft, Pending and unassigned task suppression,
  • result export in all modes.

Reopen a closed campaign

If you inadvertently closed your campaign, this action is easily reversible by using the Reopen action displayed in the section named Campaign from the menu on the left of the campaign details page which will appear in place of the previously shown Close action.

Reopening a campaign will restore all the deactivated features and bring it back to a Running state.

Archive a campaign


  • Once a campaign is archived, it is hidden from everyone, including managers on its parent project. Only instance administrators can unarchive a campaign from the Django administration panel.

If you are a member with manager role, the Archive action is displayed in the section named Campaign from the menu on the left of the campaign details page.

Campaign details page

Archiving your campaign changes its status to Archived and completely hides it from all members. It deactivates all features:

  • annotation by contributors,
  • moderation by moderators,
  • campaign configuration,
  • task creation and publication,
  • task list,
  • Draft, Pending and unassigned task suppression,
  • result export in all modes.