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Clean and maintainable code: Continuous Integration and documentation

In order for your code to be merged into Callico's source code, and to ensure its quality and maintainability, it must fulfill a number of requirements:

  • You must write (or update) tests to cover your code, and it must not break any existing tests.
  • Your code must follow the linting rules enforced by a linter.
  • You must keep the translations (English-French) up to date. If you are not a native French speaker, you can ask us for help when submitting a patch.
  • You must update the documentation when you add a new feature, or update an existing one.

Before pushing to GitLab, you can check that all the tests are passing by running them locally using tox. Similarly, you can use pre-commit to check your code's linting. Running pre-commit can also automatically fix a lot of formatting issues.


  • When you push your code to GitLab, a CI pipeline runs to check that (1) all the tests are successful, (2) the formatting / linting is OK, and (3) there are no missing translations. If any of these stages fails, your code cannot be merged. This is why you should run these checks locally before submitting your code for reviewer approval on GitLab.

When your code passes all the checks mentioned below, and is documented, you can submit it on GitLab to be approved by a reviewer, and eventually merged into Callico's source code.


Formatting rules are checked and applied using pre-commit.

When developing code for Callico for the first time, you will first need to install pre-commit using pip install pre-commit, and then run the following command:

pre-commit install

This command adds the pre-commit hook on git commit, which ensures that the linting checks will always run before any code can be committed.

Pre-commit only checks files that have been added to Git's staging area before they are committed. Therefore once your code is ready, you should first run git add $PATH $PATH $PATH for all the files you have created or modified, and then launch the pre-commit run -a command.

Running pre-commit will automatically fix some formatting issues, but there can also be problems that you need to fix manually. Either way, once all the linting/formatting issues have been resolved you need to git add the updated files again before committing in order for these changes to be taken into account.


Tests are executed with tox, based on pytest. In order to be able to run these tests, you need to install tox using pip install tox.

The backend unit tests are run in the unit tox environment. Once initialized (the first time your run the tests), this environment will be reused to improve test execution time.

You can reload a test's virtual environment by running tox -e <env> --recreate (for example if you have updated or added a dependency).

You can run all the backend unit tests using the tox -e unit command.

To run a single test module, use the following command:

tox -e unit -- <test_path>

Use this command to run a single test:

tox -e unit -- <test_path>::<test_function>


When text is added to a template, new translations have to be generated using:

callico/ makemessages -l fr --no-location

or using make generate-translations. fr is the default language for Callico.


  • If you encounter an error message about missing msguniq (like CommandError: Can't find msguniq. Make sure you have GNU gettext tools 0.15 or newer installed.), please setup gettext on your computer. On Debian & Ubuntu, this is done with sudo apt install gettext.

Messages with an empty translation can be edited using Poedit.

Poedit software usually saves a compiled version (.mo extension). Otherwise this compiled file can be generated using the

callico/ compilemessages

command, or using make compile-translations.


Please keep the documentation updated when modifying or adding features.

You must first install the documentation requirements:

pip install -r requirements-docs.txt

You can then serve the documentation locally using the following command:

mkdocs serve

As you write in Markdown in the relevant docs/site/*.md files, you can see a live output on http://localhost:8000.